1. Shed The Winter Gloom


Open up the windows and let some fresh air in! This is one of my fav things to do when the season gets warmer, the air gets sweeter and there’s nothing quite like hearing the birds in the morning.  Take your shoes off and go and run in the grass – also one of my fav things to do!


Feet on the grass

2. Wipe away the cobwebs and dust

You have probably had your house closed up for a few months and the place can get a little dusty, there’s a reason we Spring clean in Spring!  I think Spring cleaning is good for the soul, like your house, you become a little less social or motivated in the colder months so Spring always brings a sense renewed energy.



3. De Clutter & Purge

With renewed energy comes renewed purpose, Spring is a great time to sort out the clutter that’s built up over the last few months.  Go through bookcases, closets, the garage and donate or throw out anything you no longer use.  Not only will it feel good to give donate the things you don’t use but you will feel lighter and happier without all the clutter and mess.

 Use creative storage like baskets and shelving that not only look great but keep your toys and other items in order.  I’m loving these baskets from Pottery Barn


4. Home Maintenance

Part of a good spring clean is also looking at what, around your home, needs some focus and attention.  Deferred maintenance adds up and becomes more costly as usually problems get bigger.  So here are some of my tips….

  • Clear Gutters of debris
  • Check Caulk around windows
  • Replace Filters and clean vents
  • Descale shower heads and taps
  • Check and mend any fly screens as you will want the windows open
handy woman

5. Give life to dull furniture

Add a coat of paint to old dressers or furniture that may no longer fit with your decor.  This will help to update your home or rooms within your home without breaking the budget and you will have the added satisfaction of seeing your refurbished furniture everytime you walk past.


6. Decorate!!

Take time to freshen up your decor.  In the cooler months we tend to be drawn to darker, moodier colours as you want to feel warm and cozy.  

Box them up and get out the lighter, brighter colour throws and cushions.  But don’t stop there! Think about adding some flowers and arrangements to brighten your day as well as the season.  

Don’t worry if you have a brown thumb, like me, add some good quality faux floral to your decor and bring a little sunshine from the outside in.



For the love of everything good give your skin some love.  Change of seasons can reek havoc on your skin, your mood and your well being so don’t forget to take a little time for yourself.

My skin has suffered from the change of season and pollen in the air, I have been using SOOTHE which has been lovely and calming and a small reprieve from the crazy that is my face right now.⁠

If you like what you read don’t forget to share and I’d love to hear from you!
