Late last year I was contacted to provide some thoughts and comments regarding home trends for 2022.

I shared my thoughts on where I thought peoples priorities would be regarding renovating as well as some emerging trends I think we will see in homes this year.  Now I haven’t been asked this before and to be honest I didn’t really think much of it UNTIL TODAY!!

When I woke up this morning I was absolutely flawed when I saw not one, but 3 links to articles with Forbes Home where they had referenced my tips for this year.  Needless to say I was pretty excited!!

You can click on the full article here  OR read on for my commentary.

1. More Windows to Connect with Natural Light

I am a big advocate of natural light through the home and I love that this is trending in 2022.  Light so much positivity to our life, both physically and mentally and there’s so much potential to maximise this in our homes.  If you’re renovating or reinvisigning your floorplan consider how you orient rooms and how to maximise as much natural light as possible.

Even on flips homes where every dollar counts, if we intend to replace windows we always try to increase the size. tomaximise light.

2. Home Office Redesigns Focused On Productivity

I’m not sure any of us are surprised at this one.  Most people have had a work space or office in their home for the odd occassion they may want to use the computer study or work from home however with the recent pandemic we have seen our home become our workspace.

Some tips to become more productive

  • If you can orient yourself around natural light
  • Update yourspace to make it a place or room that you actually want to hang out in – paint, wall art, decor
  • Create or install great storage so you’re not cluttered
  • If it’s mult use room then ensure that each use has a clear area in the room to avoid you tripping over each other
  • Ensure you have ethe right technology to do your job

3. Outdoor Kitchens to Bring the Outdoors In

I think there’s something quite special about preparing food and cooking outdoors.  It makes you feel like you’re on holidays and creates a more relaxed, less structured environment. 

As i’m currently designing my own home and outdoor space I can say this has been a big thought process for me as if you plan to build or renovate you want to ensure the services are located at the right time.

I know the outdoor space can become an after thought so if you’re reading this and you’re about to undertake a renovation then consider your lifestyle and what alfresco living looks like to you.

4. New Flooring to Match Emerging Trends

I predict we will see a trend back to more natural elements like hardwood.  

5.Focus On Wellness Design and Sustainability

I love this! As a renovator, I love renovating rather than tearing down as I find just destroying a house can be so wasteful.  I now that there are some thinks that need to be replaced, usually a lot but where we can save materials we absolutely will.  

There’s also so much we can do to positively impact the environment and others around us. I find if one person recycles then it will encourage the next person and the next. The same with finding more sustainable practices in your home.

Considering the year we have had and the possible impact to supply chains and our economy it’s great to consider what you can do to produce more, consume less and make your environment more healthy.

6. Outdoor Improvements to Yards And Lots

Here’s my predictions as read in the original article

“We will continue to see a surge in home renovation projects with a focus on the outdoors, creating a seamless living space bringing the indoors out, it’s only natural after spending so much time inside,” says Claire O’Connell, Founder of Flipping School. “Design will be inspired by natural elements such as wood, rattan and hemp, paired with potted plants to create a seamless connection with nature.”

7. Disaster Preparedness Repairs

Considering the recent surge in weather patterns then I consider this trend to be really smart and extremely important in ensuring the house your’re invested in is as safe as it can be.

What else has been going on?

We will be raising our house next week so if you want to stay in touch with out latest reno project then make sure you join the VIP list below.